FREE High School Transcript Template for Your Homeschool

Need a high school transcript?  No need for a panic attack!  Here’s a fantastic, FREE template that I used with both of my recent graduates (thanks to Wendy McMillian, the creator of this time-saver, and to Heather of PEAH!)  You’ll be impressed with the clean, organized look– but even better, you’ll love the way it performs your calculations for you!  And while a grading scale is included, you can easily customize this amazing “living” document to make it work for your family.

A few tips to keep in mind as you prepare your student’s transcript:

1.  Don’t include too much information.  Textbook titles and the like may be kept in a separate record (which you may or may not need later).  Sometimes over-explaining things encourages the asking of unnecessary questions.  😉

2. Give courses official-sounding titles modeled after similar courses in (dare I say it?) public schools.  For example, don’t name a science course “Apologia Biology;” instead, type in “Biology with Labs.”  Don’t write “Excelerate SPANISH;” write “Spanish I.”  Don’t put down “Tae Kwon Do;” call it “Health and P.E.” etc.

3.  Remember to include classes that were brief in nature if it is reasonable to award some credit (semester-long courses, internships, etc. might be awarded 1/2 credit hours, for example, as opposed to a year-long course earning the student a full credit hour).

4.  List any middle school courses that are normally taken in high school so that the reviewer will know that these have been completed.  (I placed the names of a couple of classes underneath the freshman classes, denoted them as “middle school,” etc).  These do not count towards the student’s GPA but often need to be entered.

5.  Include awards, sports activities, clubs, participation in scouting, rank advancements, part-time work, internships, service projects, and similar items under “extracurricular activities.”  Be as specific as possible and provide dates (or approximations) where possible.

6.  Your transcript will flow better if you order the courses consistently (English, then math, then science, etc.) for each year the student was in high school.  By repeating the same pattern, a reviewer can more easily note the number and kind of courses for each subject area.

I hope the free transcript template is helpful to you and your family.


caryn hommel

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